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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Padshah Begum - Under Akbar and Mughals

Hi EveryOne..

This Post is to Deal with the topic of Padshah Begum of Mughal Emperors.

Special Thanks to my friends - Ms. Kamal and Lizzy for the inputs for this article.!.
Following major ladies had titles in Mughal history:

1. Maham Begum, till 1532-33, Babur's principle wife. - Padshah Begum..same source as below

2. After that, Khanzada Begum, eldest sister of Babur, till her death in 1545. - Padshah Begum... Baburnama Vol. 1 , Pg-314/15

It is also said that, Haji Begum/Bega Begum(wife of Humayun, died 1582) was Padshah Begum, but could not find it documented. On the other hand, Akbarnama, Abul Fazl, Vol.1, page-340, ONLY says, she was a favorite wife of Humayun. No mention of Padshah Begum there.

3. Hamida Banu, Mariam Makani ... Akbarnama, Vol.3, Pg-815, by Abul Fazl

4. Harka Bai(Wrongly called Jodha) - Mariam Uz Zamani ... Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri, Vol.1, Pg-76, by Jahangir

5. Man Bai - wife of Salim - Shah Begum... Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri, Vol.1, Pg-55, by Jahangir

6. Jagat Gosain - wife of Salim - Biqlis Makani - meaning Lady of Pure Abode ... PadshahNama, Sec.13a/49a, by Qauzwini

7. Nur Jahan  - Padshah Begum (this title was given LATER, NOT JUST after marriage). Saliha Bano Begum was the Padshah Begum of Jahangir till her death in 1619-20.

8. Arjumand Bano Begum - Mumtaz Mahal .. By Shah Jahan (known fact) Badshahnama by Lahori, tr. edition, Vol.7, Pg.-27

9. Jahanara Begum, Shah Jahan's daughter - Padshah Begum ... by Shah Jahan Storia de Mogor, by Manuci, Vol.2, Pg-127...Also, in Aurangzeb-a history, Vol.3, Pg-58, by Sarkar

10. Zinnat-un-Nissa, Aurangzeb's daughter - Padshah Begum.. Aurangzeb-a history, Vol.1/2, Pg-38, by Sarkar


The mother of the Emperor was the highest lady of the land and can ONLY issue farmans during her life periodOther than that only the Emperor can give power to somebody to issue farmans.

During the later Mughal Emperor's time, both Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb had no mothers alive to be given this right. The daughters and sisters enjoyed power because of this.

The first wives of all the Mughal Emperors were called Zan-i-Kalan
It is NOT a title, but like a nom-de-plume.




Regarding Padshah Begum, also there are some points, compiled from various sources:  

It was an imperial title, conferred in the Mughal Harem, to the First Lady. The title could be (means not mandatory) bestowed upon the chief or principal wife, a sister, the mother or even a favored daughter of the Mughal Emperor. The title could be held by only one lady at a time.


Journal of Numismatic Society of India, Volume-20/21., Year-1958,  page-223.



Till now were BARE FACTS. Now, the conclusions.

Tried searching a lot.
But, concluded that, it was NOT that giving Padshah Begum title was a necessity. Because, NOT ALL ladies, got Padshah Begum title, in succession in the Mughal Empire . 

P.S. : Special mention of this point. We did NOT get any document saying Ruqayya Begum was Padshah Begum. On Internet, it is claimed that in Jahangirnama it is given that Ruqayya was Padshah Begum, but COULD NOT find so, even after reading it PERSONALLY .!!. She is called Padshah Begum in the FICTIONAL novel - The 20th Wife, by Ms. Indu Sundaresan.


Also there are certain points.....

These statements are from the text of , Edicts from the Mughal Harem. ( Idarah-i Adabiyat-i Delhi), compiled by Tirmizi. The following lines appear on page. 127-128

Some ladies had the exclusive privilege of issuing official orders.
The right of issuing royal farmans was the exclusive prerogative of the emperor.
There were other official documents like Hasb-Ul-Hukm, Nishans, Sanads and Parwanas which were issued by the high officials and Princes.

But in some cases farmans were issued by queens and princesses.

This issuing of such orders was confined to the highest ladies of the harem such as
Hamida Banu Begum,
Mariam-Uz-Zamani Begum
Nur Jahan,
Mumtaz Mahal,
Nadira Banu Begum, and
Jahanarra Begum



Remember that, farmans could ONLY be issued by the highest ladies of the harem.

Following is one of the farmans issued by Mariam-Uz-Zamani Begum Sahiba.
"In another order issued by Mariam-Uz-Zamani Begum Sahiba, Madabbir Beg is asked to restore the jagir which was usurped by one Surajmal in pargana Chaupala (Moradabad)."

The Proceedings of the Indian Historical Records Commission at Lahore 1926, Volume-VIII, Page-167/69.

The complete Farman has been posted on the Blog and can be read at this Link :
Farman of Wali Nimat Mariam-Uz-Zamani Begum


On a parting Note, there is an interesting thing which i noticed. In the Old Show, "Akbar - The Great" of 1980's which aired on DoorDarshan, the Hindu Queen of Akbar, the Princess of Amer is called, Padshah Begum. Here is the Video of the Episode which shows her being called Padshah/Badshah Begum, even before the Birth of Salim.!!.


The article has been posted under the Mughals(Akbar) section of this history BLOG.

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